Mac Dallman - Musical Director
A 50-year veteran of four-part a cappella harmony, Mac has a MA from the University of Toronto and has been a member of innumerable choruses and quartets across Canada. Aside from directing the majority of Rising Tide’s performances, Mac now sings with two Quartets, Garage Banned and FROGS, and often steps up as Baritone or Tenor when needed in other quartets.
Why Rising Tide, Mac? “I love the vibe!”
Ambition for Rising Tide? “Everyone singing comfortably and as relaxed as possible, while entertaining audiences.”

James Chappell - Education Director
James is a highly accomplished musician having played wind instruments in several bands and orchestras. He holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree and a DSCM post grad diploma in Private Teaching and Performance. James sings Bass with Rising Tide and two quartets, Fouray and Garage Banned.
Why Rising Tidesmen, James? “There is a symbiotic fit between all of us both individually and as a group …..that’s quite incredible, but it’s more than that.”
Ambition for Rising Tide? “To continue to discover more and more in the music and each other, in the playful way we have all co-created.”